Plexa Capabilities
Transformation studio allows you to develop and test data transformation jobs. In a job, you can:
- Ingest structured, semi-structured and unstructured data - table reader, json reader, delimited file reader, etc.
- Perform data operations - merge, append, filter, nest, de-duplicate, etc.
- Clean data based on data quality specs defined in Checks Studio and collect statistics
- Apply business logic defined in Rules Studio
- Perform data analysis operations - summary, correlation, etc.
- Score analytical models defined in Analytics Studio
Flows studio allows you to group transformation jobs into a flow and run them on schedule. In a flow you can:
- Group similar jobs
- Manage dependencies between jobs
- Setup a schedule - daily, weekly, monthly, specific date and time, etc.
- Monitor and debug previous runs
Definitions studio allows you to create, modify and maintain a business glossary. In a glossary you can:
- Define entities, specify characteristics and relationship with other entities
- Define attributes, specify data type, format, length and other details
- Define metrics, specify calculations
- Define dimensions, hierarchies for analysis
Business Rules
Rules studio allows you to document business logic as rule and rulesets. In rule studio you can:
- Specify rule conditions, actions, etc.
- Group rules into rulesets and maintain dependencies between the rules
Data Quality
Checks studio allows you to formulate data quality standards and corrective actions as checks. In a check you can:
- Establish a data validation criteria for a logical attribute - Nulls not allowed, in a range, etc.
- Choose a corrective action for validation failures - replace with zero, ignore, delete record, etc.
- Select standardization criteria - remove spaces, phone number, email, etc.
- Choose to collect statistics - number of erroneous records, corrected records, etc.
Profiles studio allows you to understand the data better by creating profiles. In a profile studio you can:
- Select the data to be profiled - file, table, etc.
- Specify profiling metrics at a variable level - null count, unique count, percentiles, etc.
- View the metrics and save results
Controls studio allows you to manage and administer plexa components and metadata. In controls studio you can:
- Manage users and user groups
- Manage servers and data locations
- Manage authentication and authorization
Advanced Analytics
Advana allows you to develop and test machine learning models. In Advana you can:
- Perform basic data preparation - filter, append, merge, etc.
- Perform feature engineering
- Feature Extraction - word to vector, Inverse document frequency, etc.
- Feature Transformation - binarize, scale, normalize, etc.
- Feature Selection - slice vector, chi-sq select, etc.
- Develop clustering models - Kmeans, Guassian mixture model, lda, etc.
- Develop regression models - linear, decision tree, survival, isotonic
- Develop classification models - logistic regression, random forest, GBT, etc.
- Perform model tuning
- Build pipelines
Business Views
Business views studio allows you create a simpler logical view over complex data from various sources as business views.
Reports studio allows you to build reports over business views.
Portal studio allows you distribute reports to consumers.
Workflows allows you to define approval processes for tasks such as creating definition items, promoting a transformation job, etc.